The PWA mobile app is used to monitor assets, it is custom branded as your own company name, logo and colours.
The PWA mobile app is 1 of 3 options:
A "PWA" mobile app is downloaded by visiting your tracking platform on a phone browser.
A "Native" mobile app is downloaded by visiting the APP store or PLAY store.
A PWA mobile app can be deployed within a few hours, native mobile apps (particularly iOS) have lengthy approval processes which can take many weeks.
A PWA mobile app is the quickest, most cost effective & easiest way to have a own company branded mobile app for your clients.
Native mobile apps for iOS and Android are also available (costs & deployment times are significantly higher)
1. On your mobile phone, open the browser and visit Your URL Example :
3 On ANDROID devices, you will be prompted to add the app to the home screen or click on ISTALL PWA button from MAIN MENU
If you are not prompted or you are using iOS/ Apple phone, go the settings section:
Then click add to the home screen
4. Now the app is installed, you can simply click on the icon
5. The splash screen will show while the app loads (it will be faster on subsequent loads)
7. Enter your login credentials
The PWA mobile app uses service workers and cache techniques to increase performance
The PWA mobile app will be much faster than using the browser on your phone.
If you would like to enable the PWA mobile app on your account we will need a few things such as logos and colours, please send a helpdesk request to start this process