Pointing a device to the platform
To point a device to our servers, you need the following
- Server address
Where do I point my trackers - data.gpsiot.net
- Port
Find the port for my tracker - e.g. Teltonika uses port 12070
- IMEI Number or Device ID
The IMEI/Device ID is printed on the tracker.
When your tracker sends data to our servers, we use the IMEI Number/Device ID to identify the device as yours.
To add the device to the platform, goto Admin > Client > Client Overview > click the "Add Asset Wizard" button at the top of the page.
Please do this first, so the platform is ready to accept data from an known device.
- APN Settings
Contact your sim card provider to obtain the APN details (APN, user, password).
Send the tracker an SMS with the APN settings so it has data connectivity.
- SMS commands from the manufacturer
The GPS Tracker manufacturer will give you a tool or SMS commands to configure the tracker: - Set the device to report as UTC 0 / GMT 0 timezone - (make sure this is the first command you send)
- Set the device to send oldest record first (if supported)
- Set the device to report to our domain and port.
- Set the device to use the APN Settings from your sim/network provider
- Additional commands to check with manufacturer
- Supress GPS Drift
- Enable hardware odometer
- Enable harsh behavouir events (also known as green driving)
- Enable BLE scanning
- Report rate suggestions:
- ignition/motion off - every 1 hour
- ignition/motion on - first instance of: every 30 secs, 25 degrees angle change, 500 meters, speed delta 15 kph
- Whitelisting
If you are using IOT Sim cards that need whitelisting, please visit the whitelisting page
After you have added the device to the platform, and have pointed it to our servers, put the device outside in clear view of the sky for 30 mins to allow it to get a GPS Lock.
If it doesn't come online after this time, please contact the manufactuer for troubleshooting SMS messages.
For example if you are using a Teltonika device, you can send a getstatus or getinfo sms to the sim card (put 2 spaces at start of sms).
Use the reply to help diagnose the issue.
If you are still having issues feel free to
submit a helpdesk ticket.
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